Listen, hear, understand

Parable of the Sower

Matthew 13:18-23, 1 Timothy 2:1-6, Leviticus 26:1-20

I am amazed by people who solve math problems with relative ease. Math is not my forte; I do not have a head for numbers. In the classroom, I needed to concentrate on every word from my teacher’s lips, yet solving equations still came with difficulty. I simply didn’t understand the concepts. Those who perform well in math do so because they not only understand, they can visualize the steps in determining the solution. But solving the problem is not always enough. At some point, one must put what is learned into practice.

Our lessons today have to do with hearing and understanding. In Leviticus, God calls the Israelites to hear his commands and understand them as the parameters of godly living. Paul teaches the church in 1 Timothy that loving, caring and praying for one another leads to a peaceful and blessed life. In Matthew, Jesus says those who receive God’s Word and understand it are those who hold fast to all Christ commanded.

In a world where everything seems to be changing at warp speed, it is imperative that Christians take time each day to read their Bible. Only when we dwell within the Word, reading and studying it together, can we gain further understanding of what God intends for his people. Only then can we put what we have learned into practice.

Prayer: Lord, fill me with your Spirit, that I may hear, understand and live according to your Word. Amen.

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