More than I can handle

Mark 6_48

Mark 6:47-56

“God won’t give you more than you can handle.” We have all heard this statement. It is offered with the best of intentions, but if one looks closely, there is a flaw with this line of thinking. This phrase suggests that it is God who places burdens upon his people. Nothing; however, could be further from the truth. Many believe this phrase comes from the Bible, when in reality it does not. Most likely, it found its way into our vocabulary through a misunderstanding of Paul’s speaking out about temptation. You can read the verse here. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

As the disciples fought the winds and waves on the Sea of Galilee, fear overcame their sensibilities. In their panic, they saw Jesus approaching upon the waters and thought him a ghost. Only when their Lord called to them and got in the boat did peace return. It is the same for us as we struggle against the powers of earthly life. God doesn’t cause the storms. He walks through them with us.

Sin brings doubt; doubt brings fear. Fear questions faith. Yet, it is by faith the children of God soon recognize that they are not alone. Through Jesus Christ, who is with us always, God saves his people and provides a way to endure. He doesn’t heap the burden upon us; he walks with us as we face our trials.

Prayer: Loving God, thank you for your presence and strength to endure the burdens of earthly life. Amen.

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